/party (pronounced "slash-party") is a subsite of my personal / professional web page that I use to notify my friends when I'm hosting an event. Basically, it got to the point where trying to call each of my friends individually to let them know they were invited to watch a movie at my place got to be a pain, and I kept forgetting people on my friends list. I decided a web application could solve this problem. So I built the /party site to let people know, by whatever method is most convienent for them, that I was doing something.
It was built in a few days with PHP and Perl - php for the page itself, the email, RSS, and txt message notification systems. Perl was used (along with the Net::OSCAR module) for notification with AOL Instant Messenger. I built an AIMbot whose away status was set to the notification message - date, time, place, and a very short description of activities. The AIMbot then keeps track of who it has notified, and messages anyone it hasn't notified, if they are online, once an hour.